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Friday, 26 November 2010

layout design 2

This is my second layout for my student mag, please comment and tell me which one you prefer.

Layout designs

What do you think of my Magazine cover? post your comments undernieth of what you think i could change or whats good. :)

Friday, 19 November 2010

textual analysis

The image on the front of the cover is of the inbetweeners which is a british sit com shown through the life of an 'everyday' teenager. This links to the reader more as it is an up todate 'teen comedy' and helps connect to the reader. The bold lettering helps stand out for a funner, cooler design. Compared to other college magazines it has a more versatile cover and just relates a lot better to people with a car as they also base their acting around their car very often. The boldest lettering on the magazine is the mast head this shows that the magazine is to do with first time drivers, which couldhelp provide information to the readers. The second biggest is the title of the magazine which is 'the inbetweeners'. This is the main link towards the readers.

audience questionaire

What shall i call my student magazine?
degree atom
student nemesis
solo student
pollcode.com free polls

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Comparison of student magazines

I have had a look at some examples of student magazines.


I think student ID magazine links to an everyday student very well and has many things which would get the attention of a student... such as the movie, music and game reviews. Also it has information from a questionaire on a few of the teachers at the collage which is very handy and could help the student feel more comfertable around them.


In my opinion this magazine is more for people who are in the later stages in their collage life. It looks at moving on in your career to different countries and bigger cities, and also Jobs past collage. In some places it answers questions for people who are looking to go into the any of the services, such as the police force and NHS which can be very helpful.

Action Plan

Week 1wb 15th Nov 2010
  • Create blog
  • Comparison of student mag's
  • audience questionair
  • textual analysis
Week 2 wb 22nd Nov 2010
  • layout designs
  • organise photo shoot
  • edit photos
  • draft pages
Week 3 wb 29th Nov 2010
  • Create cover and contents
  • audience feedback
Week 4 wb 6th Dec 2010
  • Evaluation